AQUACEL® Ag+ Dressing Resources: See the Evidence

Apósitos AQUACEL

Download the full article or the clinical summary A multi-country evaluation1 was recently published involving 113* cases of challenging at-risk or infected wounds with no formal inclusion or exclusion criteria (to reflect day-to-day practice) and continuation of the existing protocol of care except for replacement of the primary dressing with AQUACEL® Ag+ Dressing.

In management periods averaging 4.1 weeks:

  • 95% of wounds had either improved or healed completely1
  • 63% of all wounds achieved at least a 75% reduction in wound size1, with an average reduction in wound size of 73% across all wounds1

Further, applying these results to a published wound care costing method,2 the investigators estimated a potential saving of approximately 30% in the cost of primary dressings when AQUACEL® Ag+ dressing is used.1 (Prices based on NHS Prices 2008/9, Drug Tariff November 2009 and BNF September 2009.)

Watch the video on how biofilm delays wound healing and how AQUACEL® Ag+ dressings perform.